Humble Beginnings - My Journey to Computer Science

April 09, 2018

Computer Science - I knew absolutely nothing about the field, yet I somehow ended stumbling upon it and felt it was so intriguing enough for me to change my major - how?  Let us start from the beginning, shall we? (P.S. - This is Sarah here, the other half of CodingSisters! Last week was Sahara's post (I know, the names can get very confusing but I promise you'll get the hang of it) on her journey to computer science so if you haven't yet, feel free to check it out!)

I was a Junior in University pursuing a degree in Math with a concentration in education, but let's backtrack a few months here (as those months played a bit of a crucial role throughout my journey to Computer Science).  In the summer of 2015, before I started my fall semester as as Junior, I interned abroad for a teach and travel program to Turkey where we would spend 4 of those 6 weeks teaching the English language to Middle School students who had only known the very basics of the English language.  It was one of my best experiences to date as an intern, and before embarking on my trip I had my mind set on wanting to become a Math teacher.

The first three weeks of teaching went by, and to my surprise I found that I was not enjoying teaching as much as I had anticipated.  The first two weeks or so were great, however the weeks proceeding that was when I started to feel every minute pass, and that didn't sit well with me if this was something I wanted to pursue in the near future.  When I came back home to America from my internship, I felt that I was left with a decision to make. I had quite possibly the best hands on experience with teaching, yet something was telling me that this didn't seem like the fit I was hoping for. I was then left with an even bigger question I kept asking myself, which was "are you sure teaching is still the field you want to continue with?".  Still, I continued my fall semester as a Math major but this time I felt more uneasy about keeping my concentration in education but stuck to it anyway considering how far along I've come.

I continued with my math courses and completed all of my education courses to start applying to the education Program at my University.  Two of those courses happened to be computer science courses - Intro to Java 1 and Computational Concepts (Math majors are required to take these two computer science courses). These two classes were my very first introductions to computer science, and soon enough I found myself more excited to go to these computer science classes than my Math courses (I still enjoy math so don't fret!).

I decided to look further into what computer science was all about, and what programming was.  I would spend my free time searching everything I could learn about the field, some of its history, its real world applications, and was intrigued by most of what I was coming across.

Now, I found myself having an even more difficult decision to make - do I switch my major entirely and start all over with Computer Science? Or do I continue with Math? But, what about the education program? What jobs are available to computer science majors? Will I like them? Will I be good at it? All of the questions one could think of, were happening simultaneously in my head day in and day out.

By now I decided to no longer pursue teaching, but I was still left with a decision that I knew had to be made as soon as possible, because quite frankly I felt I had no more time to lose. I decided to try out Computer Science and take two more courses in the field, while continuing with a few more math courses on the side.  I did not want to solely base my decision on two courses I took in Computer Science and some research I did, hence the reason I continued with math while taking two more computer science courses to serve as more clarity for myself to see if this switch was the best fit for me.  After having taken four courses in computer science, looking at what courses I would need to take, and doing my homework about the field and what I could picture myself doing in this field - after giving this decision much thought and with the support of my parents, I made my final decision during my last semester of my Junior year (scary, I know) to switch to Computer Science. 

Everything about this field was intriguing to me - I loved this idea of what programming could do, and loved learning that this was how my very phone worked, the apps that I use on a daily, my laptop, or even a simple calculator (a project we had to program for my Intro to Java 1 course).  I loved that I could use my knowledge gained in technology to create things that in turn helps others, whether that was through the use of a simple calculator (to help during those dire times in Calculus), or an app like mWater that maps clean water points, health clinics, etc., solely to help people around the world gain access to these places they otherwise may not have access to or known of, in order to improve their lives on a daily basis. I loved that there were almost no limits when it came to what could be created as a result of how far technology has come, and that improving people's lives through the use of technology is possible on multiple scales. I wanted to learn more about these revolutionary ideas and products to better understand what it is that we can do to bring that ease to people's lives, on a day-to-day basis - whether that be on a national or global scale.

Funny enough, my sister and I joined the Computer Science bandwagon at the same time. While she had just chosen her first major, I had just switched to my second. But our journey together through this major shall be left for another post, or a video perhaps!

So, that is my very long story of how I ended up where I am today - it was a path that challenged me in many ways I never thought could, into becoming the individual I am today.

Thank you for reading if you have made it this far! Now, I'd like to hear from you! What made you choose your field of study or work that you do today? What is it that you're pursuing, and if you've ever felt stuck or still feel stuck on how to decide on a path to choose, how did you deal with that?

Until the next one,
Sarah Fathelbab

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