What happens when you have two sisters who major in computer science together? A lot of chatting back and forth on coding errors, attempting to understand concepts and theories together, and now a blog to add to that list.
How did we get to this point in time where we both decided to create a blog together? Well, we realized that we learned a lot in our computer science classes and for the most part learning was done outside of the classroom. Our classes consists of professors lecturing - well more like reading off of powerpoint slides (although we're pretty sure we're literate at this point since y'know, we're in university and made it through K-12??).
Most of what professors were lecturing did not really stick to our brain since most of what we do in this major is applied, and lectures were hardly ever about the applied part.
We came to find that we learn and grasp topics that our professors - for the most part - may not have taught in the best way by other resources. This had us thinking: Well we have some sort of rhythm to figure out how to understand programming concepts (special thanks to Google, YouTube for teaching us through our degree), but does everyone else?
We know of a lot of students who actually end up dropping Computer Science as their major, or contemplate doing so, specifically because of the approach being used to teach it. The teaching style usually leaves most students with two options - either stick to this major with these not-so-great learning approaches and figure things out for yourself (i.e. - teach yourself just about everything). Or, save your time and energy now and go into *code red mode - abort mission* and abandon the ship that is Computer Science before you even left the dock.
So, why didn't we abandon ship? Well, that's where this blog comes in.
Since we have had this realization that many students like ourselves at the time struggled through this major and struggled to properly learn it, we wanted to put our focus on what we have learnt and gained from our personal experiences.
We'll be touching on why we didn't abandon ship (and maybe why you shouldn't either, if this is something you are currently studying or interested in) when the majority of the professors we had did have us contemplating doing so, and some tips we have picked up along the way.
We will both be having our own upload weeks - Sahara will upload one week, Sarah the next, etc., and once a month we will have a post we will be doing together!
Also, if you're more of a visual person, no worries! We've got your backs, we are also starting a Youtube Channel: Coding Sisters.